Taken by Erin Bowman
As Gray Weathersby
nears 18, he realizes he has two choices.
Face the Heist that takes all boys at the age of 18 or take his chances
with the wall, a barrier built around his village that no one has survived
crossing. Contemplating his choices, a
startling discovery makes him desire the truth even more. What IS outside the wall? How did they all get in the village and what
happened to their memories of before?
The more Gray receives answers, the more questions he has. What is really the truth, and can he survive
Content Notes:
This book has no bad
language, but does allude to sexual content.
Younger readers may be unaware of what is alluded to, but older readers
would be. I would recommend this to Jr.
High students and above.
Teacher Notes:
This was an interesting
story that I thought was a little slow in spots. This will be a trilogy but I won’t be
pursuing the other books in this series.
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