Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Mighty Miss Malone by Christopher Paul Curtis

Deza Malone starts out the summer with high hopes.  She has received a new dress and shoes from her teacher along with promises of tutoring in the fall to challenge her and help her towards her goal of becoming a writer.  Things take a different turn, however, when her father is injured in a fishing accident and then is unable to find work.  Through all the challenges that face her family that summer, Deza Malone becomes the glue that holds her family together on their “road to Wonderful”!

Content Notes:
If rated, this book would receive a G rating.

Teacher Notes:
This book has a lexile level of 750.  There is some dialectical language and some slang words that would have been used in the Great Depression era that we no longer use today.  Struggling readers may want to create Somebody Wanted But So statements for each chapter or create a character web for each of the main characters to aid in comprehension.

 Similar Books:
 Bud Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis (one of my favorites!)
The Watson’s go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis

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